Here are some tips on how to get better sleep:
- Get morning light when you wake up
- Make your bed
- Get some exercise
- Stop caffeine at lunchtime
- Write a to-do list or a “worry about” list in the late afternoon to give your mind time to process before bed
- Have dinner at least three hours prior to bedtime
- Do something relaxing close to bedtime like reading, knitting, journaling or coloring
- Avoid nightcaps. Alcohol consumption may help you fall asleep but, can cause sleep disruptions during the night
- Spritz lavender onto your pillowcase. Other options include vanilla, jasmine, sandalwood and rose.
- Take a warm bath or shower before bed.
- Jot down three good things about your day
- Power off all electronics 60-90 minutes before bed. If you must, use blue light blocking glasses.
- Try some gentle yoga stretches close to bedtime
- Turn your clock face away from your line of sight.