Hi there, I’m Lisa! I began my own personal health and wellness journey, on Facebook where I would make a post once a day with a healthy recipe I cooked. I truly enjoyed sourcing recipes and cooking them but, having just completed treatment for Breast Cancer, I was determined to learn as much as I could about food and wellness to give myself the best chance to remain healthy.

Over the course of the following year I earned the title of certified Holistic Health Coach, after completing certifications in Holistic Nutrition, as well as Health and Wellness Coaching. I started Healthy Hills Food Farmacy where I help people make small sustainable changes to reach their health and wellness goals.

Here, at Minnie Mom’s Menu you will find nutritious and delicious recipes that your whole family can enjoy, learn about the various aspects of health and wellness, and holistic nutrition & healing benefits and how to maximize the nutrition value in the foods you eat!

– Lisa